User Profile Service
Diese Klasse enthält alle Daten um neue Benutzerprofile zu initialisieren.
Datatype | Name | Description |
UserProfileDto[] | UserProfile | Array of user profiles that shall be initialized |
DateTime | OnboardingDate | Date when the user start working with TimePunch |
string[] | ApplicationKeys | The application keys defines the licenses that the user shall get. |
Diese Klasse enthält alle Profile Informationen die auch über die Einzelmethoden abrufbar sind. Um das Objekt zu erhalten, werden jedoch spezielle Exportrechte benötigt.
Datatype | Name | Description |
UserProfileDto | Profile | The basic profile information (e.g. Name, email etc) |
UserProfileDetailsDto | Details | The detailed profile information (e.g. working time contract) |
UserProfileDefaultsDto | Defaults | The default information that is used as an offset or pre-set for internal calculations. |
UserProfileRightsDto | Rights | The permission information for the TimePunch Profile. |
UserProfileSensitiveDto | Sensitive | The sensitive user information for the TimePunch Profile. Those information can only be retrieved if the user has permissions to access those informations. (userSensitive@export) |
Bool | IsPasswordSet | True, if the user has a password set. |
String | PasswordWriteOnly | [Write Only] Password that shall be used for the given user profile. |
UserProfileDefaultsDto : UserProfileDto
Diese Klasse ist abgeleitet vom UserProfileDto und enthält die Vorgabewerte die zur Berechnung in TimePunch verwendet werden.
Datatype | Name | Description |
Double | PreviousOvertime | Offset value for the overtime calculation. |
Double | PreviousSickdays | Offset value for the sickdays. |
LeaveSetting | LeaveSetting | Defines how the leave offset shall be used for calculation. TakeAsOffset => In the first year, the user has extra holiday available, because he/she carry it forward from the previous time recording. TakeAsStatic => In the first year, the user does not own the complete holidays, but the one he entered |
Double? | AdditionalLeave | Leave hours that will be added to the annual leave in the first year. This feature is only used when LeaveSetting is set to TakeAsOffset. |
Double | AdditionalLeaveAsDays | Leave that will be added to the annual leave in the first year. This feature is only used when LeaveSetting is set to TakeAsOffset. |
Double? | RemainingLeave | The leave hours that will be used instead of the yearly holidays in the first year. This feature is only used when LeaveSetting is set to TakeAsStatic. |
Double | RemainingLeaveAsDays | The leave that will be used instead of the yearly holidays in the first year. This feature is only used when LeaveSetting is set to TakeAsStatic. |
Double | LeavePerDay | Defines the length of a leave day if leave calculation is set to hours. |
LeaveCalculation | LeaveCalculation | Defines if the leave defaults are calculated in days or hours |
Bool | IsLocked | [Readonly] True, if the defaults can’t be changed because months are locked. |
UserProfileDetailsDto : UserProfileDto
Die Klasse ist abgeleitet von UserProfileDto und enthält alle Detaildaten des Mitarbeiterprofils.
Datatype | Name | Description |
String | PersonnelNumber | Personnel number of the staff member. |
String | UserCode | Barcode of the staff member. Used to identify the user by a barcode scanner. |
Double | ChargingJourneyTime | The percentage of working time that shall be booked when the user enters a driving time period. |
String | Timezone | The time zone for the user. The time zone is used to calculate the correct logon/logoff time. |
CountryDto | Country | Country that is used for holiday calculation |
RegionDto | Region | Region that is used for holiday calculation |
WorkContract | WorkContract | Work Contract enumeration that specifies how the staff member shall be booked. Employee = 0 Freelancer = 1 Wageworker = 2 Shiftworker = 3 |
Double? | PaidTime | The regular paid time, if the user is employed as a wage worker or shift worker. |
OvertimeCutMode | OvertimeCutMode | Defines if the overtime shall be cut. Possible values are None, Monthly or Cumulative |
Double | OvertimeStartsAt | Number of overtime that is included in the working contract. Above this limit the working time will be counted as overtime. |
Bool | ExceptionForMinus WorkingTimeAccount | Defines, if there is an exception for overtime starts at, if the user has a negative working time account |
Double | MaximumOvertime | Maximum limit of overtime until which the working time will be counted as overtime. |
Bool | IsOvertimeAboveLimitPaid | True, if the working time above the maximum overtime shall be marked as paid out. |
LeaveCarryForward | LeaveCarryForward | Value that defines when the new leave shall be added to the staff member. Allowed values are BeginOfJanuary through BeginOfDecember. |
LeaveExpiration | LeaveExpiration | Defines when the leave of the previous year will expire. Allowed values are Instantly, Never and EndOfJanuary through EndOfDecember. |
Double | AnnualLeaveAsDays | Amount of leave days with that the user can plan with. |
Double | AnnualLeave | Amount of leave hours with that the user can plan with. |
Double | LeavePerDay | Defines the length of a leave day if leave calculation is set to hours |
LeaveCalculation | LeaveCalculation | Defines if the leave defaults are calculated in days or hours |
WagePayment | WagePayment | Defines how the wage gets payed (BasedOnWorkingTimeModel, BasedOnFixedQuotaOfHours, BasedOnMaxQuotaOfHours, BasedOnFixedQuotaOfHoursUntilLimit) |
Double | LowerOvertimeLimit | If the wage payment is set to "BasedOnFixedQuotaOfHoursUntilLimit”, this field defines to which lower border the user gets paid. |
String | FirstName | First name of the staff member |
String | Prefix | Prefix of the staff members name |
String | LastName | Last name of the staff member |
String | Suffix | Suffix of the staff members name |
String | Title | Title of the staff member |
String | PhoneNumber | Phone number of the staff member |
String | FaxNumber | Fax number of the staff member |
String | MobileNumber | Mobile number of the staff member |
String | RoomNumber | Room number of the staff member |
String | OAuth2Provider | The connected OAuth2/OpenId Provider used by this account |
UserProfileImageDto : UserProfileDto
Diese Klasse wird dazu genutzt um Profilbilder der Mitarbeiter zu laden oder zu aktualisieren. Die Klasse ist eine Ableitung von UserProfileDto.
Datatype | Name | Description |
ImageFormat | ImageFormat | The used image format. For uploading only Original can be used. |
Byte[] | ImageData | The image data as PNG or JPG Format. |
UserProfileRightsDto: UserProfileDto
Diese Klasse enthält die Basisdaten des Mitarbeiter Profils und zusätzlich die Berechtigungsinformationen. Die Klasse ist eine Ableitung von UserProfileDto.
Datatype | Name | Description |
UserRights | UserRights | Permission group of the user (None, View, Edit, Full, HumanResource, Admin) |
UserProfileSensitiveDto : UserProfileDto
Diese Klasse enthält die datenschutzrelevanten Informationen des Mitarbeiters.
Datatype | Name | Description |
string | Birthname | Birth name of the staff member |
String | PrivatePostalAddress | Private postal address of the staff member |
DateTime? | Birthday | Date when the staff member was born |
String | Birthplace | Place where the staff member was born |
String | Nationality | Nationality of the staff member |
DateTime? | DateOfJoining | Date when the staff member joined the company |
DateTime? | DateOfLeaving | Date when the staff member left the company, or NULL if the staff member is still employed. |
String | InsurancePolicyNumber | The insurance policy number |
Bool | IsMainJob | True, if the current job is the main job of the staff member |
Bool | HasOtherJobs | True, if the staff member also have other jobs |
String | JobDescription | Description of the work that the staff member does |
String | BankingInstitut | Name of the banking institut for monthly salary submission. |
String | InternationalBank AccountNumber | IBAN Code of the employee |
String | BankIdentifierCode | BIC Code of the banking institute |
Double | HourlyWage | Hourly wage of the staff member if he/she is employed as a wage worker or shift worker |
Double | Salary | Monthly salary of the staff member if he/she is employed as an employee |
String | FurtherUserInformation | Additional staff member information |
Gender | Gender | Gender of the staff member |
String | Postcode | Postcode of the staff member |
String | City | City of the staff member |
String | Country | Country Name of the staff member |
String | Street | Street name of the staff member |
String | StreetNumber | Street number of the staff members street |
String | AddressAddition | Address adition of the staff members postal address |
HealthInsuranceType | HealthInsuranceType | Type of the health insurance, e.g. National health insurance |
String | HealthInsuranceId | Technical id of the choosen health insurance |
String | HealthInsuranceName | Name of the choosen health insurance |
String | HealthInsurancePolicyNumber | Policy number of the staff members health insurance |
String | RegisteredInCountry | Code of the country where the user has his health insurance |