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Version: 5.6

User Profile Service


Diese Klasse enthält alle Daten um neue Benutzerprofile zu initialisieren.

UserProfileDto[]UserProfileArray of user profiles that shall be initialized
DateTimeOnboardingDateDate when the user start working with TimePunch
string[]ApplicationKeysThe application keys defines the licenses that the user shall get.


Diese Klasse enthält alle Profile Informationen die auch über die Einzelmethoden abrufbar sind. Um das Objekt zu erhalten, werden jedoch spezielle Exportrechte benötigt.

UserProfileDtoProfileThe basic profile information (e.g. Name, email etc)
UserProfileDetailsDtoDetailsThe detailed profile information (e.g. working time contract)
UserProfileDefaultsDtoDefaultsThe default information that is used as an offset or pre-set for internal calculations.
UserProfileRightsDtoRightsThe permission information for the TimePunch Profile.
UserProfileSensitiveDtoSensitiveThe sensitive user information for the TimePunch Profile. Those information can only be retrieved if the user has permissions to access those informations. (userSensitive@export)
BoolIsPasswordSetTrue, if the user has a password set.
StringPasswordWriteOnly[Write Only] Password that shall be used for the given user profile.

UserProfileDefaultsDto : UserProfileDto

Diese Klasse ist abgeleitet vom UserProfileDto und enthält die Vorgabewerte die zur Berechnung in TimePunch verwendet werden.

DoublePreviousOvertimeOffset value for the overtime calculation.
DoublePreviousSickdaysOffset value for the sickdays.
LeaveSettingLeaveSettingDefines how the leave offset shall be used for calculation. TakeAsOffset => In the first year, the user has extra holiday available, because he/she carry it forward from the previous time recording. TakeAsStatic => In the first year, the user does not own the complete holidays, but the one he entered
Double?AdditionalLeaveLeave hours that will be added to the annual leave in the first year. This feature is only used when LeaveSetting is set to TakeAsOffset.
DoubleAdditionalLeaveAsDaysLeave that will be added to the annual leave in the first year. This feature is only used when LeaveSetting is set to TakeAsOffset.
Double?RemainingLeaveThe leave hours that will be used instead of the yearly holidays in the first year. This feature is only used when LeaveSetting is set to TakeAsStatic.
DoubleRemainingLeaveAsDaysThe leave that will be used instead of the yearly holidays in the first year. This feature is only used when LeaveSetting is set to TakeAsStatic.
DoubleLeavePerDayDefines the length of a leave day if leave calculation is set to hours.
LeaveCalculationLeaveCalculationDefines if the leave defaults are calculated in days or hours
BoolIsLocked[Readonly] True, if the defaults can’t be changed because months are locked.

UserProfileDetailsDto : UserProfileDto

Die Klasse ist abgeleitet von UserProfileDto und enthält alle Detaildaten des Mitarbeiterprofils.

StringPersonnelNumberPersonnel number of the staff member.
StringUserCodeBarcode of the staff member. Used to identify the user by a barcode scanner.
DoubleChargingJourneyTimeThe percentage of working time that shall be booked when the user enters a driving time period.
StringTimezoneThe time zone for the user. The time zone is used to calculate the correct logon/logoff time.
CountryDtoCountryCountry that is used for holiday calculation
RegionDtoRegionRegion that is used for holiday calculation
WorkContractWorkContractWork Contract enumeration that specifies how the staff member shall be booked. Employee = 0 Freelancer = 1 Wageworker = 2 Shiftworker = 3
Double?PaidTimeThe regular paid time, if the user is employed as a wage worker or shift worker.
OvertimeCutModeOvertimeCutModeDefines if the overtime shall be cut. Possible values are None, Monthly or Cumulative
DoubleOvertimeStartsAtNumber of overtime that is included in the working contract. Above this limit the working time will be counted as overtime.
BoolExceptionForMinus WorkingTimeAccountDefines, if there is an exception for overtime starts at, if the user has a negative working time account
DoubleMaximumOvertimeMaximum limit of overtime until which the working time will be counted as overtime.
BoolIsOvertimeAboveLimitPaidTrue, if the working time above the maximum overtime shall be marked as paid out.
LeaveCarryForwardLeaveCarryForwardValue that defines when the new leave shall be added to the staff member. Allowed values are BeginOfJanuary through BeginOfDecember.
LeaveExpirationLeaveExpirationDefines when the leave of the previous year will expire. Allowed values are Instantly, Never and EndOfJanuary through EndOfDecember.
DoubleAnnualLeaveAsDaysAmount of leave days with that the user can plan with.
DoubleAnnualLeaveAmount of leave hours with that the user can plan with.
DoubleLeavePerDayDefines the length of a leave day if leave calculation is set to hours
LeaveCalculationLeaveCalculationDefines if the leave defaults are calculated in days or hours
WagePaymentWagePaymentDefines how the wage gets payed (BasedOnWorkingTimeModel, BasedOnFixedQuotaOfHours, BasedOnMaxQuotaOfHours, BasedOnFixedQuotaOfHoursUntilLimit)
DoubleLowerOvertimeLimitIf the wage payment is set to "BasedOnFixedQuotaOfHoursUntilLimit”, this field defines to which lower border the user gets paid.
StringFirstNameFirst name of the staff member
StringPrefixPrefix of the staff members name
StringLastNameLast name of the staff member
StringSuffixSuffix of the staff members name
StringTitleTitle of the staff member
StringPhoneNumberPhone number of the staff member
StringFaxNumberFax number of the staff member
StringMobileNumberMobile number of the staff member
StringRoomNumberRoom number of the staff member
StringOAuth2ProviderThe connected OAuth2/OpenId Provider used by this account

UserProfileImageDto : UserProfileDto

Diese Klasse wird dazu genutzt um Profilbilder der Mitarbeiter zu laden oder zu aktualisieren. Die Klasse ist eine Ableitung von UserProfileDto.

ImageFormatImageFormatThe used image format. For uploading only Original can be used.
Byte[]ImageDataThe image data as PNG or JPG Format.

UserProfileRightsDto: UserProfileDto

Diese Klasse enthält die Basisdaten des Mitarbeiter Profils und zusätzlich die Berechtigungsinformationen. Die Klasse ist eine Ableitung von UserProfileDto.

UserRightsUserRightsPermission group of the user (None, View, Edit, Full, HumanResource, Admin)

UserProfileSensitiveDto : UserProfileDto

Diese Klasse enthält die datenschutzrelevanten Informationen des Mitarbeiters.

stringBirthnameBirth name of the staff member
StringPrivatePostalAddressPrivate postal address of the staff member
DateTime?BirthdayDate when the staff member was born
StringBirthplacePlace where the staff member was born
StringNationalityNationality of the staff member
DateTime?DateOfJoiningDate when the staff member joined the company
DateTime?DateOfLeavingDate when the staff member left the company, or NULL if the staff member is still employed.
StringInsurancePolicyNumberThe insurance policy number
BoolIsMainJobTrue, if the current job is the main job of the staff member
BoolHasOtherJobsTrue, if the staff member also have other jobs
StringJobDescriptionDescription of the work that the staff member does
StringBankingInstitutName of the banking institut for monthly salary submission.
StringInternationalBank AccountNumberIBAN Code of the employee
StringBankIdentifierCodeBIC Code of the banking institute
DoubleHourlyWageHourly wage of the staff member if he/she is employed as a wage worker or shift worker
DoubleSalaryMonthly salary of the staff member if he/she is employed as an employee
StringFurtherUserInformationAdditional staff member information
GenderGenderGender of the staff member
StringPostcodePostcode of the staff member
StringCityCity of the staff member
StringCountryCountry Name of the staff member
StringStreetStreet name of the staff member
StringStreetNumberStreet number of the staff members street
StringAddressAdditionAddress adition of the staff members postal address
HealthInsuranceTypeHealthInsuranceTypeType of the health insurance, e.g. National health insurance
StringHealthInsuranceIdTechnical id of the choosen health insurance
StringHealthInsuranceNameName of the choosen health insurance
StringHealthInsurancePolicyNumberPolicy number of the staff members health insurance
StringRegisteredInCountryCode of the country where the user has his health insurance